颜笑,工学博士,教授,博士生导师,弘深优秀学者。2019年获清华大学核科学与技术专业博士学位,并先后于美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校和香港科技大学开展博士后研究工作。2023年加入太阳成集团tyc4633。致力于相变传热和热流体研究,在ACS Nano、Nature Energy等期刊上发表论文50余篇,其中第一或通讯作者论文20余篇。研究成果被引用1800余次,H-index为24。
2023/11--至今 太阳成集团 太阳成集团tyc4633 教授
2021/11-2023/10 香港科技大学 机械与航空工程学院 博士后
2019/01-2021/11 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 机械科学与工程学院 博士后
(合作导师:Nenad Miljkovic教授、Nancy Sottos教授/院士)
2013/09-2019/01 清华大学 核能与新能源技术研究院 核科学与技术专业 工学博士
2016/11-2018/06 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 机械科学与工程学院 联合培养博士
(导师:Nenad Miljkovic教授)
2009/09-2013/06 哈尔滨工程大学 核科学与技术学院 核工程与核技术专业 工学学士
1. 香港科技大学, Tree-inspired,solar-driven system for sustainable humidity control of buildings, 2022-2023,共同主持
2. 香港地铁公司,Heat exchanger upgrade for enhanced dehumidification,2023,共同主持
3. 美国科学基金,Interfacial adhesion strength measured by laser spallation,2020-2021,主要参与
4. 美国科学基金,Nucleation characteristics of condensation on nano-engineered surfaces,2016-2021,参与
5. 美国科学基金,Engineering research center for power optimization for electro-thermal systems,2021,参与
6. 英国石油BP,Condensation of low-surface-tension fluids, 2017-2019, 参与
7. 国家自然科学基金,事故条件下压水反应堆安全壳内壁面冷凝特性研究,2013-2015,参与
1. Yan, X.=*, Chen, F.=, Zhao C., ... & Miljkovic, N.* (2022) Micro-Scale Confinement and Wetting Contrast Enable Enhanced and Tunable Condensation. ACS Nano, 16(6), 9510–9522. (IF 17.1)
2. Yan, X.*, Chen, F., Zhao C., ... & Miljkovic, N.* (2022) Particle-droplet Coalescence and Self-transport on Superhydrophobic Surfaces. ACS Nano. 16(8), 12910-12921. (IF 17.1)
3. Yan, X., Qin, Y., Chen. F., ..., Feng, J.* & Miljkovic, N.* (2020) Laplace pressure driven single droplet jumping on structured surfaces. ACS Nano. 14(10), 12796-12809. (IF 17.1) (被Wiley期刊Droplet采纳为创刊宣传视频之一)
4. Yan, X., Chen, F., ... & Miljkovic, N.* (2019). Hierarchical condensation. ACS Nano, 13(7), 8169-8184. (IF 17.1)
5. Yan, X., Zhang, L., Sett, S., ... & Miljkovic, N.* (2019). Droplet jumping: Effects of droplet size, surface structure, pinning, and liquid properties. ACS Nano, 13(2), 1309-1323. (IF 17.1)
6. Yan, X.*, Huang, Z., Sett, S., ..., Chen, F.*, Miljkovic, N.* (2019). Atmosphere-mediated superhydrophobicity of rationally designed micro/nanostructured surfaces. ACS Nano, 13(4), 4160-4173. (IF 17.1)
7. Yan, X., Fan, G.*, & Sun, Z. (2017). Study on flow characteristics in an open two-phase natural circulation loop. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 104, 291-300.
8. Yan, X., Sett, S., Feng, L., … & Miljkovic, N.* (2019). “Swimming Jellyfish”: Visualizing Jet-Like Internal Flow in Coalescing Droplets. Journal of Heat Transfer, 141(10), 100901. (被自然杂志评为最美科学成像Best Science Images,并被授予Nikon Small World in Motion Global Competition一等奖,获科学美国人、福布斯等报导)
9. Yan, X., Chen, F.*, Zhang, X., ... & Miljkovic, N.* (2020). Atmosphere-mediated scalable and durable biphilicity on rationally designed structured surfaces. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 7(13), 2000475.
10. Yan, X., Feng, L., Zhang, L., … & Miljkovic, N.* (2020). “Dancing Droplets”: Partial Coalescence on Superhydrophobic Surfaces. Journal of Heat Transfer, 142(3), 030904.
11. Zhao, C.=, Yan. X=*, …, Chen, F., Miljkovic, N.* (2022). Exploring the limit of micro-scale confined condensation heat transfer: a numerical simulation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 193, 122758.
12. Jin, P. =, Yan, X. =*, …., Tao, W.*, Miljkovic, N.* (2022). Ultra-Low Ice-Substrate Adhesion and Self-Deicing during Droplet Impacting Freezing. Cell Reports Physical Science. 3, 100894.
13. Wang, X.=, Yan, X.=*, …., Min, Q.*, & Miljkovic, N.* (2022). Spreading Dynamics of Microdroplets on Nanostructured Surfaces. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 635, 221-230.
14. Chu, F.=*, Yan, X.=*, Miljkovic, N.* (2022). How microgrooves drive single condensate droplet jumping. Langmuir. 14, 4452–4460.
15. Li, T.=, Yan. X.=, …, Fang, X.*, Miljkovic, N.* (2021). In-situ Jet Electrolyte Micromachining and Additive Manufacturing. Applied Physics Letters. 119, 171602.
16. Hoque, M.J.,= Yan, X.=*, Qiu, H., Qin, Y., Du, X., Stermer, J., Miljkovic, N.* (2023) Durability and Degradation Mechanisms of Anti-Frosting Surfaces. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 15(10), 13711-13723.
17. Hoque, M.J.,= Yan, X.=*, Feng, Y., Ma, J., Qiu, H., Li, J., Du, X., Linjawi, M., Agarwala, S., Miljkovic, N.* (2023) Defect-Density-Controlled Phase-Change Phenomena. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 15(11), 14925-14936.
18. Zhao, C. =, Yan, X. =*, Wang, Z., Huang, Z., Bo, H., Chen, F.* (2023) When coalescing droplets jump: a unified energy conversion model incorporating droplet size and surface adhesion. Physics of Fluids. 35, 052001.
19. Wang, X., Yan, X.*, …, Min, Q.* (2023) Dynamic wetting of Newtonian and viscoelastic fluids on microstructured surfaces. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 652, 2098-2107.
20. Sin, D.T., Chung, C.H.Y., Au, S.C.Y., Yan, X.*, Yao, S.* (2023) Multifunctional Oil-Entangled Matrix Spray (OEMs) for Maritime Sustainability. Advanced Materials Technologies. (10.1002/admt.202300839).
21. Fu, W., Yan, X., ..., Miljkovic, N.* (2022). High power and energy density dynamic phase change materials using pressure-enhanced close contact melting. Nature Energy, 7(3), 270-280.
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xiao-Yan-15
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9948-3468
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Rg51Hp8AAAAJ&hl=zh-CN