夏奡,工学博士,教授,博士生导师,国家优秀青年基金获得者,中国科协青年人才托举工程人选,重庆市杰出青年基金获得者,重庆市百名海外高层次人才集聚计划特聘专家,重庆英才计划青年拔尖人才。2008年获浙江大学能源与环境系统工程专业学士学位及竺可桢学院混合班荣誉学位,2013年获浙江大学动力工程及工程热物理专业博士学位,随后在爱尔兰国立科克大学(UCC)及爱尔兰海洋可再生能源中心(MaREI)从事博士后研究。2016年全职引进太阳成集团太阳成集团tyc4633、低品位能源利用教育部重点实验室开展科研工作,长期从事碳中和及生物质能相关领域的研究,主持国家自然科学基金项目4项及国家重点研发计划子课题2项。在Trends in Biotechnology、Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews、Green Chemistry、Chemical Communications、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Applied Energy、ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering、Biotechnology Advances、Bioresource Technology等高水平期刊上发表论文170余篇,出版Springer Nature专著1部,应邀撰写Springer重要参考书1章,合作撰写国际能源署(IEA)生物天然气出版物1部。研究成果被引用6500余次,个人H-index为49,6篇论文先后入选ESI高被引论文、1篇论文入选重庆市科协自然科学优秀学术论文,入选斯坦福大学“全球前2%顶尖科学家”终身科学影响力榜单。
应邀担任国际SCI期刊Frontiers in Energy Research副编辑、国际SCI期刊Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology副编辑、中国科协T1类高质量科技期刊《煤炭科学技术》编委、国际SCI期刊Energies编委。担任中国可再生能源学会生物质能专委会委员、国际研究中心APEC Research Center for Advanced Biohydrogen Technology指导委员会委员。担任80余本高水平期刊审稿人,两次获得中科院TOP期刊Bioresource Technology最佳审稿人奖(2015/2018)。
[1] 斯坦福大学“全球前2%顶尖科学家”,年度科学影响力,2019~2022
[2] 斯坦福大学“全球前2%顶尖科学家”,终身科学影响力,2021
[3] 重庆市百名海外高层次人才集聚计划特聘专家,2019
[4] 国际SCI期刊Bioresource Technology,最佳审稿人奖,2015/2018
[5] 国际SCI期刊Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,杰出审稿人奖,2018
[6] 中国科协青年人才托举工程人选,2018
[7] 重庆市科协自然科学优秀学术论文奖,2017
[8] 国际SCI期刊Energy Conversion and Management,杰出审稿人奖,2017
[9] 国际SCI期刊Journal of Cleaner Production,杰出审稿人奖,2017
[10] 国际SCI期刊Algal Research,杰出审稿人奖,2017
[11] 国际SCI期刊Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering,杰出审稿人奖,2017
[12] 国际SCI期刊Applied Energy,杰出审稿人奖,2016
[13] 国际SCI期刊Energy,杰出审稿人奖,2016
[14] 浙江大学竺可桢奖学金(浙江大学最高荣誉,每年仅授予8位博士生),2013
[15] 浙江大学争创优秀博士论文资助,2013
[16] 国际会议12th International Conference on Clean Energy,优秀论文奖,2012
2004.9~2008.6 |
浙江大学 |
能源工程学院 |
学士 |
浙江大学 |
竺可桢学院混合班 |
荣誉学位 |
2008.8~2013.12 |
浙江大学 |
能源工程学院 |
博士 |
2014.1~2016.1 |
爱尔兰国立科克大学 |
环境研究所 |
博士后 |
[1] 生物燃气技术及系统
[2] 生物质催化转化制备绿色燃料及高附加值材料
[3] 碳减排与人工智能技术
[1] 陈业华等,第十四届全国老员工节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛,国赛节能创新专项奖银奖(全国共6项)、国赛一等奖,2021
[2] 杨正洁等,第五届中国“互联网+”老员工创新创业大赛,全国总决赛金奖,2019
[3] 夏荣鑫等,第十六届“挑战杯”全国老员工课外学术科技作品竞赛,重庆市选拔赛二等奖,2019
[4] 夏荣鑫等,第十一届全国老员工节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛,国赛一等奖,2018
[5] 夏荣鑫等,第十一届国家级老员工创新训练项目,优秀结题,2018
[6] 叶文帆,太阳成集团优秀本科毕业设计(论文),2017
[1] 王超,国际会议8th International Conference on Biomass Energy,优秀海报奖,2023
[2] 邓志超,国际会议4th International Symposium on Biomass/Wastes Energy and Environment,最佳海报奖,2023
[3] 李丰,国际会议2023 DeCarbon International Conference,DeCarbon青年学者奖,2023
[4] 孙驰贺,重庆市优秀博士学位论文,2022
[5] 孙驰贺,太阳成集团优秀博士学位论文,2022
[6] 林凯等,APEC-ACABT Green Synergy Solutions in APEC Region,亚军,2020
[7] 罗如虹,国际会议23rd Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction,优秀海报奖,2020
[8] 韦鹏飞,重庆市优秀硕士学位论文,2020
[9] 韦鹏飞,太阳成集团优秀硕士学位论文,2020
[10 孙驰贺,博士研究生国家奖学金,2019
[12] 孙驰贺等,第四届中国“互联网+”老员工创新创业大赛,重庆选拔赛金奖,2018
[13] 孙驰贺,2018年中国可再生能源学术大会,优秀论文奖,2018
[14] 孙驰贺,国际会议15th World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion,杰出海报奖,2017
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(52376168):光驱复合酶同步催化制烃类燃料的能质传递与转化机理及强化方法,2024.1~2027.12,负责人
[2] 重庆市杰出青年基金项目(CSTB2023NSCQ-JQX0005):生物质转化过程的反应与传递协同原理及调控方法,2023.7~2026.6,负责人
[3] 重庆市技术创新与应用发展重点项目(CSTB2023TIAD-KPX0084):村镇可再生分布式能源技术研发与应用,2023.9~2026.9,课题二负责人
[4] 国家自然科学基金优青项目(52022015):多级耦合生物质转化系统传递调控理论与方法,2021.1~2023.12,负责人
[5] 重庆英才计划包干制项目(cstc2021ycjh-bgzxm0160),养猪场废水微生物减排及资源化利用过程机理与调控方法,2021.7~2024.6,负责人
[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51876016):基于直接种间电子传递的导电生物膜制甲烷反应器的物质传递和转化特性研究,2019.1~2022.12,负责人
[7] 国家自然科学基金重点项目(51836001):自然生物系统高效转化生物质过程仿生原理及方法,2019.1~2023.12,主要参与人(排名第二)
[8] 国家重点研发计划子课题(2016YFB0601002):微藻烟气CO2多相传递与固碳机理,2016.7~2020.6,负责人
[9] 国家重点研发计划子课题(2017YFB0603601):液态熔渣相变换热与物相演化耦合作用机制,2017.7~2020.6,负责人
[10] 国家自然科学基金青年项目(51606021):降流式两步厌氧发酵制取氢烷气生物膜反应器内传递与转化特性及调控方法研究,2017.1~2019.12,负责人
[11] 中央高校基本科研业务费董事长专项(106112017CDJPT140001):有机废水发酵联产氢气和甲烷研究,2017.1~2017.12,负责人
[12] 太阳成集团“百人计划”科研启动费,2016.1~2018.12,负责人
[1] Feng Li, Ao Xia*, Xiaobo Guo, Yun Huang, Xianqing Zhu, Wuyuan Zhang*, Rong Chen and Qiang Liao. Photo-driven enzymatic decarboxylation of fatty acids for bio-aviation fuels production in a continuous microfluidic reactor. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2023; 183: 113507.
[2] Ao Xia*, Xiaobo Guo, Yingxing Chai, Wuyuan Zhang, Yun Huang, Xianqing Zhu, Xun Zhu and Qiang Liao*. Green light enhanced the photostability and catalytic performance of fatty acid photodecarboxylase. Chemical Communications 2023; 59: 6674-6677. (Front Cover)
[3] Zhengxin Wang, Xinggan Peng, Ao Xia*, Akeel A. Shah, Huchao Yan, Yun Huang, Xianqing Zhu, Xun Zhu and Qiang Liao*. Comparison of machine learning methods for predicting the methane production from anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic biomass. Energy 2023; 263, 125883.
[4] Xiaobo Guo, Ao Xia*, Wuyuan Zhang, Feng Li, Yun Huang, Xianqing Zhu, Xun Zhu and Qiang Liao. Anaerobic environment as an efficient approach to improve the photostability of fatty acid photodecarboxylase. Chinese Chemical Letters 2023; 34: 107875.
[5] Ao Xia*, Huize Chen, Yun Huang, Xun Zhu and Qiang Liao*. Mathematical modelling of intercellular interactions within the biofilm. Trends in Microbiology (Cell Press) 2022; 30: 925–929.
[6] Ao Xia, Kai Lin, Tong Zhu, Yun Huang, Xianqing Zhu, Xun Zhu, Kaiyong Cai, Zidong Wei and Qiang Liao*. Improving saccharification efficiency of lignocellulosic biomass using a bio-inspired two-stage microreactor system loaded with complex enzymes. Green Chemistry 2022; 24: 9519-9529. (Back Cover)
[7] Xiaobo Guo, Ao Xia*, Feng Li, Yun Huang, Xianqing Zhu, Wuyuan Zhang*, Xun Zhu and Qiang Liao. Photoenzymatic decarboxylation to produce renewable hydrocarbon fuels: A comparison between whole-cell and broken-cell biocatalysts. Energy Conversion and Management 2022; 255: 115311.
[8] Dong Feng, Ao Xia*, Yun Huang, Xianqing Zhu, Xun Zhu and Qiang Liao. Effects of carbon cloth on anaerobic digestion of high concentration organic wastewater under various mixing conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022; 423: 127100.
[9] Ao Xia, Dong Feng, Yun Huang, Xianqing Zhu, Zhengxin Wang, Xun Zhu and Qiang Liao*. Activated Carbon Facilitates Anaerobic Digestion of Furfural Wastewater: Effect of Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2022; 10: 8206–8215. (Supplementary Cover)
[10] Zhengxin Wang, Xinggan Peng, Ao Xia*, Akeel A. Shah, Yun Huang, Xianqing Zhu, Xun Zhu and Qiang Liao. The role of machine learning to boost the bioenergy and biofuels conversion. Bioresource Technology 2022; 343: 126099.
[11] Jingmiao Zhang, Ao Xia*, Huize Chen, Abdul-Sattar Nizami, Yun Huang, Xianqing Zhu, Xun Zhu and Qiang Liao*. Biobased carbon dots production via hydrothermal conversion of microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa. Science of The Total Environment 2022; 839: 156144.
[12] Jingmiao Zhang, Ao Xia*, Xianqing Zhu, Yun Huang, Xun Zhu and Qiang Liao*. Co-production of carbon quantum dots and biofuels via hydrothermal conversion of biomass. Fuel Processing Technology 2022; 232: 107276.
[13] Dong Feng, Xiaobo Guo, Richen Lin, Ao Xia*, Yun Huang, Qiang Liao, Xianqing Zhu, Xun Zhu and Jerry Murphy. How can ethanol enhance direct interspecies electron transfer in anaerobic digestion? Biotechnology Advances 2021; 52: 107812.
[14] Xiaobo Guo, Huize Chen, Xianqing Zhu*, Ao Xia*, Qiang Liao, Yun Huang and Xun Zhu. Revealing the role of conductive materials on facilitating direct interspecies electron transfer in syntrophic methanogenesis: A thermodynamic analysis. Energy 2021; 229: 120747.
[15] Cheng Chen, Chihe Sun, Ao Xia*, Qiang Liao, Xiaobo Guo, Yun Huang, Qian Fu, Xianqing Zhu and Xun Zhu. Sustainable biohythane production from algal bloom biomass through two-stage fermentation: Impacts of the physicochemical characteristics and fermentation performance. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020; 45: 34461–34472.
[16] Xiaobo Guo, Chihe Sun, Richen Lin, Ao Xia*, Yun Huang, Xianqing Zhu, Pau-Loke Show and Jerry D. Murphy. Effects of foam nickel supplementation on anaerobic digestion: direct interspecies electron transfer. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020; 399: 122830.
[17] Chihe Sun, Qiang Liao*, Ao Xia*, Qian Fu, Yun Huang, Xianqing Zhu, Xun Zhu and Zhengxin Wang. Degradation and transformation of furfural derivatives from hydrothermal pre-treated algae and lignocellulosic biomass during hydrogen fermentation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2020; 131:109983.
[18] Chihe Sun, Ao Xia*, Qian Fu, Yun Huang, Richen Lin and Jerry Murphy. Effects of pre-treatment and biological acidification on fermentative hydrogen and methane co-production. Energy Conversion and Management 2019; 185: 431–441.
[19] Zhichao Deng, Ao Xia*, Qiang Liao*, Xianqing Zhu, Yun Huang and Qian Fu. Laccase pretreatment of wheat straw: effects of the physicochemical characteristics and the kinetics of enzymatic hydrolysis. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2019; 12: 159.
[20] Ao Xia*, Pengfei Wei, Chihe Sun, Pau-Loke Show, Yun Huang and Qian Fu. Hydrogen fermentation of organic wastewater with high ammonium concentration via electrodialysis system. Bioresource Technology 2019; 288:121560.
[21] Chihe Sun, Ao Xia*, Qiang Liao, Qian Fu, Yun Huang and Xun Zhu. Life-cycle assessment of biohythane production via two-stage anaerobic fermentation from microalgae and food waste. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2019; 112:395–410.
[22] Chihe Sun, Ao Xia*, Qiang Liao*, Qian Fu, Yun Huang, Xun Zhu, Pengfei Wei, Richen Lin and Jerry Murphy. Improving production of volatile fatty acids and hydrogen from microalgae and rice residue: Effects of physicochemical characteristics and mix ratios. Applied Energy 2018; 230:1082–1092.
[23] Amita Jacob Guneratnam, Ao Xia*, Jerry Murphy. Comparative study of single- and two-stage fermentation of the brown seaweed Laminaria digitata. Energy Conversion and Management 2017; 148: 405-412.
[24] Muhammad Rizwan Tabassum, Ao Xia*, Jerry Murphy. Comparison of pre-treatments to reduce salinity and enhance biomethane yields of Laminaria digitata harvested in different seasons. Energy 2017;140: 546-551.
[25] Ao Xia and Jerry Murphy*. Microalgal cultivation in treating liquid digestate from biogas systems. Trends in Biotechnology (Cell Press) 2016; 34:264–275.
[26] Ao Xia, Jun Cheng* and Jerry Murphy. Innovation in biological production and upgrading of methane and hydrogen for use as gaseous transport biofuel. Biotechnology Advances 2016; 34:451–472.
[27] Ao Xia, Amita Jacob, Muhammad Rizwan Tabassum, Christiane Herrmann and Jerry Murphy*. Production of hydrogen, ethanol and volatile fatty acids through co-fermentation of macro-and micro-algae. Bioresource Technology 2016; 205:118–125.
[28] Ao Xia, Jun Cheng*, Lingkan Ding, Richen Lin, Wenlu Song, Huibo Su, Junhu Zhou and Kefa Cen. Substrate consumption and hydrogen production via co-fermentation of monomers derived from carbohydrates and proteins in biomass wastes. Applied Energy 2015; 139:9–16.
[29] Ao Xia, Jun Cheng*, Wenlu Song, Huibo Su, Lingkan Ding, Richen Lin, Hongxiang Lu, Jianzhong Liu, Junhu Zhou and Kefa Cen. Fermentative hydrogen production using algal biomass as feedstock. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2015; 51:209–230.
[30] Ao Xia, Jun Cheng*, Lingkan Ding, Richen Lin, Wenlu Song, Junhu Zhou and Kefa Cen. Enhancement of energy production efficiency from mixed biomass of Chlorella pyrenoidosa and cassava starch through combined hydrogen fermentation and methanogenesis. Applied Energy 2014; 120:23–30.
[1] Qiang Liao, Jo-Shu Chang, Christiane Herrmann and Ao Xia. Bioreactors for Microbial Biomass and Energy Conversion, Springer Nature 2018; ISBN 978-981-10-7676-3.
[2] Ao Xia*, Xun Zhu and Qiang Liao. Hydrogen Production from Biological Sources. In: Lipman T., Weber A. (eds) Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Production. Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, Second Edition, Springer 2019, 833–863.
[3] Jerry Murphy*, Bernhard Drosg, Eoin Allen, Jacqueline Jerney, Ao Xia and Christiane Herrmann. A perspective on algal biogas. IEA Bioenergy 2015; ISBN 978-1-910154-18-2.
数据更新至2023/10,完整论文列表请参考网页:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ao_Xia (ResearchGate)