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联系方式:chendeqi@cqu.edu.cn deqichencqu@foxmail.com

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陈德奇(博士,教授/博士生导师),2010年6月博士毕业并被授予博士学位。研究领域涉及核反应堆热工水力及安全、航空发动机气动热力、多能互补高效能量利用技术及系统、沸腾两相流动及强化传热理论及技术等;在这些方面开展了实验研究、CFD数值研究和理论研究。相关研究得到了三个国家级重点项目支持;承担的其它科研项目包括国家自然科学基金、重庆市自然科学基金等。同时与中国核动力研究设计院、西南物理研究院、中电投中央研究院、航天三院、航天五院等重要研究院所开展紧密合作。部分相关研究成果已发表在国内外本领域的重要学术期刊上(包括《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》、《Energy》、《Applied Thermal Engineering》、《Nuclear Engineering and Design》、《核动力工程》等)。



2007.12-2008.12:Florida International University,博士联合培养


➢  核反应堆热工水力及安全

➢  航空发动机气动热力

➢  多能互补高效能量利用技术及系统

➢  沸腾两相流动及强化传热理论及技术


      ✓  招生专业:核能科学与工程,动力工程及工程热物理

      ✓  招生类型:硕士研究生、博士研究生


     ✓  国家级重点项目(研究内容:多板多通道高过热表面淹没冷却传热特性)

     ✓  国家级重点项目(研究内容:极端环境下能量综合利用系统及技术)

     ✓  国家自然科学基金重点基金(项目名称:新型燃料元件LOCA条件下复杂行为及安全特性研究)

      ✓  校企合作科研项目10多项目(研究内容包括:先进燃料组件热工水力性能、高过热表面沸腾传热特性、流致振动特性、燃料棒沸腾临界机理、矩形窄通道沸腾汽泡动力学等)


[1]     Kejian Dong, Shuhua Ding, Deqi Chen∗, Dan Wu, Jian Deng, Haidong Liu, Hanzhou Liu. Experimental investigation on minimum film boiling temperature during reflooding in multi-rectangular narrow channels. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Jun. 2021: 121635. (SCI, EI)

[2]     Lin Zhang, Hanzhou Liu*, Deqi Chen∗, Xiaowei Zhou, Yong Chen. Experimental investigation on the characteristics of maximum bubble size of subcooled flow boiling in narrow rectangular channel under different system pressure. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Apr. 2021: 121426. (SCI, EI)

[3]     Lin Zhang, Luguo Liu, Hanzhou Liu*, Xiaowei Zhou, Deqi Chen*. Experimental Investigation on Sliding Bubble Coalescence of Subcooled Flow Boiling in Rectangular Narrow Channel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2021: 120681 (SCI, EI)

[4]     Jin Lei, Shanshan Bu*, Junze Jiang, Hanzhou Liu, Dewen Yuan, Deqi Chen*. Numerical investigation on thermal-hydraulic performance in 7×7 rod bundle with spacer grid and guide tubes. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 160 (2021) 106675. (SCI, EI)  

[5]     Mingjing Chen, Dan Wu, Deqi Chen*, Jian Deng*, Hanzhou Liu, Junze Jiang. Experimental investigation on the movement of triple-phase contact line during a droplet impacting on horizontal and inclined surface [J], Chemical Engineering Science, Apr. 2020, 226: 115864. (SCI, EI)

[6]     Jing Peng, Deqi Chen∗, Jianjun Xu ∗, Lian Hu , Hanzhou Liu. CFD simulation focusing on void distribution of subcooled flow boiling in circular tube under rolling condition [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Apr. 2020:119790. (SCI, EI)

[7]     Fei Qin, Xiang Zhang, Deqi Chen*, Lian Hu, Fan Bill Cheung. Visualization study on the bubble behavior on a downward facing hemispherical surface during saturated pool boiling [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Feb. 2019 (135): 1013–1022. (SCI, EI)

[8]     Qi Lu, Deqi Chen*, Linglan Zhou, Zhongchun Li, Xueqiang He. Experimental investigation on the distribution characteristics of bubble contact areas in the narrow channel [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Apr. 2019 (137): 876–881. (SCI, EI)

[9]     Yunke Zhong, Lian Hu*, Deqi Chen*, Haidong Liu, Dewen Yuan, Wenxing Liu. CFD simulation on the flow and heat transfer characteristics of mist flow in wire-wrapped rod bundle [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design. Feb. 2019 (345): 62–73. (SCI, EI)

[10]  Xiang Li, Deqi Chen*, Lian Hu. Numerical investigation on mixing performance in rod bundle with spacer grid based on anisotropic turbulent mixing model [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Oct. 2019 (130): 843–856. (SCI, EI)