The first Editorial Meeting (Virtual) of DeCarbon was held on 14th January, 2023. Editors-in-chief, editors, editorial advisory board members, special guests, academic editors, publishing editors attended this meeting.

At the beginning, Editor-in-Chief Professor Liao Qiang, on behalf of the editorial team, delivered a welcome speech. Then Executive Associate Editor-in-Chief Professor Kuan Sun briefly introduced DeCarbon to the audience, including the necessity for launching a new journal, the strong editorial team, trustworthy collaborative partners and the goals and plans. Professor Sun expressed great confidence in promoting DeCarbon to be a leading international platform for disseminating major scientific breakthroughs and notable technological advances in carbon neutrality.

Subsequently, Executive Publisher of Elsevier, Ms Jing Zhang, made a presentation, expressing that Elsevier had listed DeCarbon as a highlighted journal, and would provide DeCarbon with fully support.

Professor Liao introduced each one of editors and Academician John Wang introduced advisors one by one about their scientific achievements and social contribution.
廖强教授和John Wang院士分别对每一位编辑和编委顾问的科学成就和社会贡献做了介绍。
In the discussion session, Editors-in-chief, editors, editorial advisory board members, special guests, academic editors, publishing editors shared their valuable comments and recommendations, which are significant for increasing international impact and boosting DeCarbon’s further development.
At the end of the meeting, Academician John Wang delivered a closing remark and thanked again for all participants of the meeting. The first editorial meeting is a great start for us to build DeCarbon as a leading platform.
会议结束时,John Wang院士致闭幕词并对所有参会者再次表示感谢。此次编委会的成功举办是我们将《DeCarbon》打造成为领先平台的良好开端。