Name |
Chao Liu |

Department |
Department of heat flow Science |
Title |
Professor |
Contact Information | |
Liu Chao, Ph.D, Professor. Fellow of the committee of Chinese society of engineering thermophysics.
He has been engaged in the teaching, research and application of thermodynamics and energy conservation and is the academic leader of the discipline of thermodynamics and energy conservation in Chongqing University.
Prof. Liu has obtained more than 20 national and provincial scientific research projects and cooperative scientific research projects with enterprises. Liu won the second prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of the Ministry of Education two times. A total of 50 graduate students and 12 doctoral students have been trained. Prof. Liu published more than 200 academic papers in various academic journals and academic conferences.
Working experience:
April 1988 ~ Present Lecture, Associate Professor, Professor, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Chongqing University
May 2000 ~ June 2001 Post-doc., Mechanical engineering, Hongkong University
Visiting scholar: May 2005 -- June 2005, Mechanical engineering, University of Alberta, Canada
Senior research scholar: August 2015-september 2011, Tokyo University, Japan
Education Background:
September 1992 ~ June 1996 Ph. D, Engineering Thermal Physics, Chongqing University
September 1985 ~ April 1988 Master, Engineering Thermal Physics, Chongqing University
September 1981 ~ July 1985 Bachelor, Engineering Thermal Physics, Chongqing University
Research Interests:
1. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics theory and application in engineering
2. Molecular dynamic simulation of thermal phenomenon.
3. Thermophysical property and thermal stability of working fluids.
4. Thermodynamic, economical and environmental ecology analysis in the recovery of waste heat
5. Energy saving technology for thermal equipment, thermal process and thermal system
Research Grants:
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.52076018). (2021.1~2024.12), “Fluctuation theory of thermal stability and mechanism of thermal decomposition of siloxane working fluids”
2. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.51576019). (2016.1~2019.12), “Molecular simulation of the mechanism of thermal stability and decomposition of HFO working fluids”
3. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.50776101). (2008.1~2010.12), “Mechanism of biomass decomposition based on dynamic molecular simulation ”
4. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.50376077). (2004.1~2006.12), “Thermophysical character and Phase change of moist air by molecular dynamic simulation”
5. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.50076048). (2003.1~2003.12), “Dynamic molecular simulation and experimental study of rapid evaporation and condensation in micro scale”
Selected Publications:
Journal Papers:
1、Lu Zhang, Chao Liu*, Qibin Li,Molecular simulations of competitive adsorption behavior between CH4-C2H6 in K-illite clay at supercritical conditions,Fuel,260(2020)116358
2、Xiaoxue Chen, Chao Liu*, Qibin Li*, Xurong Wang, Shukun Wang,Dynamic behavior of supercritical organic Rankine cycle using zeotropic mixture working fluids,Energy, 191 (2020) 116576
3、Yu Pu, Chao Liu*, Qibin Li**,Xiaoxiao Xu, Erguang Huo, Pyrolysis mechanism of HFO-1234yf with R32 by ReaxFF MD and DFT method,International Journal of Refrigeration, 2020, 109:82-91
4、Erguang Huo, Qibin Li,Chao Liu*, Zhengyong Huang*, Liyong Xin,Experimental and theoretical studies on the thermal stability and decomposition mechanim of HFO-1336mzz(Z) with POE lubricant,Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 147(2020) 104795
5、Shukun Wang, Chao Liu*, Jie Li, Zhuang Sun, Xiaoxue Chen, Xiaonan Wang,Exergoeconomic analysis of a novel trigeneration system containing supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle, organic Rankine cycle and absorption refrigeration cycle for gas turbine waste heater covery,Energy Conversion and Management,221 (2020) 113064
6、Erguang Huo, Chao Liu*, Liyong Xin, Xiaoxiao Li, Xiaoxiao Xu, Qibin Li, Chaobin Dang,Thermal stability and decomposition mechanism of HFO-1336mzz(Z) as an environmental friendly working fluid: experimental and theoretical study,International Journal of Energy Research,2019,43:4630-4643
7、Jie Wu, Chao Liu, Xiaoxiao Xu, Qinbin Li, Xiaoxiao Li, Thermal degradation behavior of pectin in Citrus wastes with density functional theory study, Waste Management, 89 (2019) 408–417
8、Chao Liu, Shukun Wang, Cheng Zhang, Qibin Li, Xiaoxiao Xu, Erguang Huo,Experimental study of micro-scale organic Rankine cycle system based on scroll expander,energy, Energy 188 (2019) 115930
9、Shukun Wang, Chao Liu*, Jingzheng Ren,**, Lang Liu, Qibin Li, Erguang Huo,Carbon footprint analysis of organic Rankine cycle system using zeotropic mixtures considering leak of fluid,Journal of Cleaner Production 239 (2019) 118095
10、Erguang Huo, Chao Liu, Xiaoxiao Xu, Qibin Li, Chaobin Dang,A ReaxFF-based molecular dynamics study of the oxidation decomposition mechanism of HFO-1336mzz(Z),International Journal of Refrigeration
11、Hao Zhang,Chao Liu, XX, Xu, QB,Li, Mechanism of Thermal Decomposition of HFO-1234yf by DFT Study,International Journal of Refrigeration,2017,74, 397–409
12、Cheng Zhang,Chao Liu, Thermo-economic comparison of subcritical organic Rankine cycle based on different heat exchanger configurations,Energy 123 (2017) 728-741
13、Erguang Huo, Chao Liu, Xiaoxiao Xu, Chaobin Dang,A ReaxFF-based molecular dynamics study of the pyrolysis mechanism of HFO-1336mzz(Z),International Journal of Refrigeration,83 (2017),118–130
14、Guangping Lei, Chao Liu, Qibin Li, Xiaoxiao Xu,Graphyne nanostructure as a potential adsorbent for separation of H2S/CH4 mixture: Combining grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations with ideal adsorbed solution theory,Fuel,182 (2016) 210–21
15、Yayun Zhang, Chao Liu∗, Xi Chen,Unveiling the initial pyrolytic mechanisms of cellulose by DFT study,Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,113 (2015) 621–629
16. Zhang, Yayun; Liu, Chao, A new horizon on effects of alkalis metal ions during biomass pyrolysis based on density function theory study, JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS, 110: 297-304, 2014
17、Chao He, Chao Liu,A new selection principle of working fluids for subcritical organic Rankine cycle coupling with different heat sources,Energy 68 (2014) 283-291
18、Qibin Li, Chao Liu,Molecular dynamics simulation of sulphur nucleation in S–H2S system,Molecular Physics, 2014,Vol. 112, No. 7, 947–955
19、Chao Liu, Yayun Zhang,Study of guaiacol pyrolysis mechanism based on density function theory,Fuel Processing Technology,123 (2014) 159–165
20.Chao Liu, Chao He, Hong Gao, Hui Xie, Yourong Li, Shuangying Wu, Jinliang Xu,The environmental impact of organic Rankine cycle for waste heat recovery through life-cycle assessment,Energy 56 (2013) 144-154
21.Li, Qibin; Liu, Chao,Molecular dynamics simulation of heat transfer with effects of fluid-lattice interactions,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,55:(25-26),8088-8092,2012
22.He, Chao; Liu, Chao; Gao, Hong,The optimal evaporation temperature and working fluids for subcritical organic Rankine cycle,ENERGY,38(1),136-143,2012
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